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Posts Tagged ‘product’

PRDA Asia Updates Social Sites with Fresh Content Daily

Posted by soutv on July 9, 2015


Huffington Post, TMZ, and Business Insider represent the top three visited blogs on the internet and each blog has a drastically different niche than the other two. What do the world’s most popular blogs all have in common? For one, they all have fresh and engaging content added every day, which regular readers can count on for the information they need. PRDA Asia wants to give you the chance to execute the same strategy by writing new, original content for your social sites delivered at strategic times.




Under your watchful eye, PRDA Asia will increase traffic and your business’ visibility with our social media expertise. Each day, PRDA Asia will use your business goals to create a content strategy that we will then incorporate into that day’s content. Our comprehensive service will perform.


  • Personalized Research
  • Image Reformatting
  • Content Updates
  • Community Building
  • Copywriting
  • And more


In addition to our content writing, you will receive access to PRDA Asia’s full line of social media services. Our goal at PRDA Asia is to help you establish a brand that earns the trust of your clients and followers. One of the best ways to foster trust in the internet age is through engaging and informative activity on social media. PRDA Asia brings years of experience with some of the world’s most recognizable brands.


Make the most of your social media strategy by letting PRDA Asia establish your brand. We will consistently update any selected site with fresh content that grabs attention and convinces readers to return. Contact us online today and see what an improvement a daily update can make. The only way to get to the top is with a good strategy.


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Get a Report and Competitor Analysis with Valuable Key Metrics for Social Media from PRDA Asia

Posted by soutv on July 7, 2015


Is the best offense a good defense? Or is the best defense a good offense? The debate has raged for decades through sports, the military, and board games. No matter which side of the debate you fall on, PRDA Asia offers you the leading social media services in Asia so you can be sure that your strategy will have the best offense and the best defense.


To start, PRDA Asia will evaluate your social media strategy across all platforms, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Next, we will coordinate a social media “attack” guaranteed to attract new customers and keep them informed. PRDA Asia has over 10 years of business-specific social media success developing comprehensive plans to increase the visibility and value of our clients.







Defensively, the only way to stay up to date in social media is to pay close attention to the actions of your competitors. PRDA Asia not only evaluates your social media plan, we also evaluate your competitors plans to compare and contrast strategies. This ensures that PRDA Asia creates a unique brand for your business that highlights your goods and services better than your competitors. With PRDA Asia, your social media defense directly translates into offense. Take a look at the different management packages that we offer.


Measuring_SocialMediaAre you ready for the best news? The cost to start with a Facebook performance report from PRDA Asia is absolutely zero. That’s right, we will evaluate the effectiveness of your Facebook page and compare it to your competitor(s) Facebook page(s) at no cost. Our process uses proven techniques to calculate key metrics based on stats so progress can be evaluated and tracked over time. PRDA Asia’s key metrics include:


  • Percent Performance Calculation
  • Percent Growth
  • Community Engagement
  • Valuation of Worth





Famed strategists like Vince Lombardi and Mao Zedong may have disagreed over the relative worth of offensive and defensive strategies, but that is because they didn’t know about PRDA Asia. Give our experts a shout online, on Facebook or over the phone. We think outside the box with our social media services so that our clients don’t have to choose. PRDA Asia gives all clients the best on both sides of the social media ball, to guarantee victory.


Visit PRDA Asia to find out more!


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