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Facebook vs Apple vs. Android: App Showdown

Posted by soutv on March 25, 2013

Social media is an upcoming phenomenon which encompasses all daily needs. Be it shopping, locating restaurants nearby, making documents, viewing brand products and reading the news; an online shortcut is available in the form of an app. An app, short for application, was first introduced commercially by Apple, which allowed users to access online stores and games without opening the actual site. In late 2000’s, The advent of smartphones saw a sharp incline in the development and use of apps.

Keeping in mind the number of global members on Facebook, the developers are constantly working to affiliate new apps with the social media giant. Facebook is now leading the app race with 500,000 apps to its credit, including SoundCloud, Spotify, Goodreads and The Guardian to name a few. Android platform, despite its easy interface and popularity since 2009, has the least number of apps to its credit. This major difference can be accounted for by the fact that Facebook offers apps Absolutely Free! Also, considering the advantage Facebook has of being THE social media giant, Facebook has more than a million app developers to its name, while Android has the least developers. Hence any cost of development is shared within, leading to negligible costs by Facebook.

In the smartphone dominated age of today, brands should have a completely developed app on social media, where potential clients can get access to their products. JamiQ social media solutions incorporate all aspects of online development and marketing. Contact JamiQ to find out more about business solutions for your brand.

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